

2011年12月13日 星期二


最後,與大家分享一些YouTube影片,介紹了一些如何善用iPad來把教學做得更好的方式,像是用Dropbox, iBook, PDF之類的軟體在課堂上分享更多手邊各種格式的資訊,尤其是iPad上有許多為各種階層教育所設計的軟體而獲致更為普遍的運用,而在大學教育除了將iPad用來協助各種課程進行創新教學,甚至在Wisconsin Lutheran College更是有一門課為"iPad in Education"探討如何將iPad實施於教育。當然,不是因為手機或平板這類硬體設備就讓教學變得不一樣,其實是有非常豐富的創新應用在這些平台上被發展出來,使得我們有機會去思考更創新的教學方式,就算像最後一個影片所要表達的意思:"21世紀的教學應該是Creativity, Critical Thinking, Innovation, Communication, Collaboration, Information Literacy..."。

Preparing Teachers for 21st Century Students
Traditional Classrooms prepare Students for Traditional Jobs
Unfortunately, Today there is no such thing...
The average Teacher today was born before the Web...
The average Student today is a "Digital Native"
Are you ready for 21th Century Students?

Seminar presented to Cuyahoga Valley School District teachers exploring the impact and uses for new technologies in today's classrooms.

How I use iPad to Teach

Use DropBox, iBooks and more in the classroom.

iPad2 for Education

iPad 2 is used for education. In this video you can see Dropbox, iAnnotate PDF and iBooks.

Apple Education Learning with iPad us

See how iPad is transforming teaching and learning at all levels!

Project Management course completed via iPad

At the University of Notre Dame located in Indiana students will now be able to complete a Project Management course with the use of an iPad. Students will then be able to use the various applications and wiki-based discussions to share their discoveries with other class members.

Innovative Teaching with Apple iPads

Jon Berryman of Health Care Professions, Raksha Patel of Academic Support and Robert Fleischmann of Communications and Humanities discuss why they decided to use iPads in their classrooms and how the technology has helped.

iPad in Education course at Wisconsin Lutheran College

iPad in Education” is a three credit, graduate level course from Wisconsin Lutheran College that provides educators with hands-on experience and real-world strategies. Each participant will evaluate iPad apps, books and videos, while discovering new ways to use this innovative technology to improve student learning.

iPad Education will Revolutionize Your Learning Experience

The student receives a free iPad loaded with the class videos and course documents when he enrolls in one of degree programs of Quantum University.

i Studio - The Classroom of Future

i-Studio is built for the classroom of future. It was made by Interactive Architecture Lab, Dept. of Architecture, NCKU, Taiwan. They try to image the possible types of future classroom. Not only focus on the spatial type, but also about the potential types of future education.

21st Century Teaching and Learning
Creativity, Critical Thinking, Innovation, Communication, Collaboration, Information Literacy...

