所謂的"Teacher Paced Quiz"方式,是提問開始進行後,老師可以控制一次只出現一個問題,學生進入該room number回答完一題則必須等待,直到老師端控制開始進行下一題。例如,下列畫面是停留在這一組問題的第一題,老師看到學生都回答第一題填上名字了,再按"Send Next Question to Students"來進行下一題。
但如果上課前沒有事先製作問題也沒關係,老師可以在課堂上以口頭提問,然後在主選單點選"Multiple Choice"、"True/False"、"Short Answer"三者其中之一,直接讓學生進行選擇、是否、問答的回答方式,學生們會看到單一問題的回答畫面,而學生們完成回答之後一樣由系統寄送統計記錄給老師保留。而這個平台還在主選單內建一個"Exit Ticket"功能,這個其實就是定義好的一組問題,用來在課程結束時問學生其收穫如何?問題包含:How well did you understand? What did you learn? Please solve the problem on the board.
Dr. Rankin, professor of History at UT Dallas, wanted to know how to reach more students and involve more people in class discussions both in and out of the classroom. Then she made this experiment - Twitter in the Classroom.
This is a video created by Dr. Rey Junco1one's student to summarize the research we conducted on the effects of Twitter on student engagement and grades. To assess differences in engagement and grades, they used mixed effects analysis of variance (ANOVA) models, with class sections nested within treatment groups. Analyses of Twitter communications showed that students and faculty were both highly engaged in the learning process in ways that transcended traditional classroom activities The journal article summarizing the study is available online.
於是,使用手機Attendance來點名,就只要點擊學生名單,就會切換狀態為Absent, Late, Present。完成點名之後按下右上角的Submit送出該次點名記錄存到你的Google Docs試算表。如果在點完名送出結果存到Google Docs之後發現學生出席狀況需要異動,還是可以打開這個App,在需要異動的學生名字上長按一段時間,就會跳出選單,可以選擇"Mark Last Absent as LATE"或"Mark Last Absent as PRESENT"以修正前一次的點名記錄。
However, Android is an open system with different display/frame-buffer designs for various kinds of devices. MirrorOp sender needs to access frame buffer so you must "root" your android device on the most cases. As we know, forum.xda-developers.com and rootandroid.net update such kinds information peroidly. In our experiences, the following method is workable.